Evening With the Guides Meditation
2-HOUR GROUP MEDITATION (attend online via Zoom, or in-person with a limited size group). When registering, please let us know if you wish to attend in-person or online.
format for online meditations
Over the course of the two hours, Daisy will be flowing energies to help balance, expand, and align your own energies. While energy work flows differently in an online/virtual meditation, it’s just as effective as if you were attending in person.
The first hour gives you the opportunity to ask the Spirit Guides a question and receive guidance, or mention something you’re wanting help to hold focus on, within your energy/body/mind.
Participants are on mute to start. When Daisy calls your name, unmute yourself to ask your question.
The second hour is a guided meditation to get further connected to your Spirit Guides and Light workers, all while receiving individualized attention to support what your energy field is needing.
Find a comfortable position: sit in a chair, on the floor, or lie on a couch.
You may want to have a pillow, yoga mat, or blanket handy for comfort.
$80 per meditation
How to Register
To reserve your spot, payment is due in advance.
You can either pay by phone at 206.550.8790, or
Request us to email you an invoice. Please note: Seats will be saved on a first come basis, based on order of when payment is received.
The Zoom link and additional instructions will be sent closer to the date of your meditation.