Daisy Thompson

Daisy is a world-renowned energy intuitive and healer who can see, feel, and hear the human energy fields and works to bring balance within all levels of a being. Using a combination of healing modalities, including Reiki, Light Weaving, Ancient Hawaiian Healing, and Chakra Balancing, she is able to restore balance, harmony, and wellness.

Daisy’s clairvoyant ability allows her clients to have an open dialogue with their spirit guides. This provides a deeper connection to one’s self and helps individuals manifest the life they want to create. Daisy's powerful healing techniques and intuition provide clients with accelerated healing and clarity in life.





Katrina is honored to support Northwest Healing Studio. She has studied a variety of movement and energy healing modalities, and is in awe of how our intuitions guide us toward magnificent truths and unpredictable journeys.

Always planning her next adventure, she loves exploring the neighboring mountains and far off places. Katrina enjoys inspiring people with curiosity for this magnificent planet and our own paths within it.